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Tax Relief

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Navigating an IRS Audit: What to Expect and How to Prepare

Facing an IRS audit can be an extremely nerve-wracking experience. The questions, concerns, and overwhelming “what-if” thoughts can easily takeover. However, understanding the actual audit process and knowing how to prepare can help alleviate much of the stress associated with it. Rest assured, this article will identify why someone may

Navigating an IRS Audit: What to Expect and How to Prepare Read More »

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7 Tax Relief Strategies for Freelancers

As the gig economy continues to thrive, more individuals are embracingfreelance work as their primary source of income. While freelancing offers plenty of flexibility and independence, it also comeswith unique tax responsibilities and challenges. Freelancers are considered self-employed, which means they must navigate their tax obligations differentlythan traditional employees. Those

7 Tax Relief Strategies for Freelancers Read More »

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How the IRS Operates and How Tax Relief Can Help

Before discussing tax relief, it’s important to understand that tax collection is a primary revenue source for the government. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) responsible for collecting the taxes, enforcing tax laws, and ensuring taxpayers stay compliant. The IRS uses a complex set of procedures and regulations, and holds significant

How the IRS Operates and How Tax Relief Can Help Read More »

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